
Monday, February 14, 2011

Personal Milestone Giveaway

Edited to post the winner:  Debbie Gaydos.  Congratulations Debbie.  As soon as you pm me your email, I will get the certificate out to you.  Thank you to everyone who participated.

Today I passed two personal milestones.  I just got the 31st follower of my blog on my 31st wedding anniversary.  I know, the most romantic day of the year to get married, Ground Hogs Day.  I was also a finalist in a sketch challenge.  I got in the Top Six for the CPS 99 challenge.
Actually, another PTI fan, Kristii was the winner!  Congrats Kristii.
To celebrate, I am going to give away a $25 PTI gift certificate.  To qualify for this giveaway, just:
1) Check out my blog.
2) Become a Follower of my Blog, if you already are, just let me know.
3) Try to leave a comment once in a while on a card that I share on my blog.  That's it.

I will draw a random winner on Feb. 14, just in time for the PTI February release.  I know everyone could use an extra $25 on release night.
Thanks for sharing my excitement!


Unknown said...

Cathy, today is my parents' wedding anniversary as well. They have been married 36 years. Congrats and the followers, and on being a finalist in CPS#99.

Kim H. said...

Happy Anniversary and congrats on hitting 31 followers!! I am definitely a follower and I love your style/blog.

Kristii said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Congratulations on meeting your goals!!! Your card was amazing and I am so excited to be following your blog!!!

Renee said...

I'm a follower...
Congratulations on 31 years...
Congratulations on 31 followers...
(you may need to play some numbers there...:)
Congratulations on being a finalist...
Could not have happened to a sweeter person!

Diane Jaquay said...

Happy Anniversary Cathy, and congratulations on making Top 6! I'm a follower already, I just love your work!

Jen Carter said...

Happy anniversary to you!!! Congratulations on your card making the top 6 too!! I saw it there and was so excited for you!! Congrats also on your 31 followers!! I follow you in my Google Reader but I just clicked to follow your blog on your sidebar as well. Wow!! What A LOT to celebrate!! What a wonderful day!! :)

Ted said...

Cathy, whether or not I win, I'm just so proud of your accomplishments and I'm so glad you and your husband have 31 years of memory. May God have 31 more wonderful years in store for the both of you! :)

Jessica Wekenman said...

Awwwww, How Sweet! Congrats and Happy Anniversary! :) I am already a follower and really appreciate the chance at your lovely blog candy, which I know we all would love, especially this month!

Jen Adcock said...

Aww, lovely. Happy Anniversary! Conrats on number #31 followers too. I am a l follower who appreciates all the wonderful warm and fuzzies you generously send my way. They certianly have not gone unnotice. Thank you! Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the above milestones, especially on your 31 years of marriage.

Liz said...

Happy Anniversary!! It's not hard to see why everyone is starting to follow all your stuff!

LILIANA said...

Congrats & Happy Anniversary Cathy! Two wonderful blessings. Wishing you many more followers and anniversaries. = )


Audrey said...

I have been a follower for some time, and love all of your creations! Congratulations on your 31 years of wedded bliss... so rare these days and something to be so proud of! Happy Anniversary! :)

Sue in Grapevine said...

Happy 31st anniversary! I'm following your blog in Google Reader.
I, too, am an empty nest crafter. We'll have our 30th anniversary in July.

Heidi said...

Congratulations Cathy and Happy Anniversary! I've been following you and enjoying your work for quite some time. You always have great projects and thoughtful posts.

LindaR said...

Congratulations on your work, and your wedding anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cathy and happy anniversary! your work is beautiful, here I am wishing you more accomplishments in the future!

Debbie Gaydos said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary, Cathy! I'm a follower, love the inspiration you provide here. :)

Sue Ann said...

Congrats and Happy Anniversary. Great job Cathy!!!

Dana said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband Cathy! And what a woot woot for the top 6 recognition!
I thought I was already a follower but I don't see my pic over on the side...I will try again. I've been here lots of times though so I don't understand. Anyway, thank you for your continued inspiration and for sharing your talent with all of us!

Stephanie said...

Cathy........I have to give you a big, big congratulations on all counts! You know I thought I was already a follower because I come and comment all of the time. I'm so sorry that I had not done so.....but, I am now. I just have to say that you are one of the sweetest ladies I've met in "blogland". You are always so considerate in your comments and I you truly do deserve the recognition! Congrats, again and big hugs.

Rhonda said...

Congrats on top 6 Cathy!! I must always come to "see" you through the PTI link cause you have been bringing inspiration for sometime to me!!! I became an official follower today.

Kara said...

congratulations on so many wonderful accomplishments....i do follow you on google reader, but i'll myself here too:)

Becky said...

Happy anniversary to you and your husband, and congrats on the Super 6! Your card was just lovely!

I became a follower. :)

Carol's Ink Spot said...

How very sweet of you to do this for your followers. A very Happy Anniversary. And congrats on coming in the top 6! I'm a follower and love the new look of your blog!

Teresa said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband,Cathy!
Congrats on making the top 6 with your adorable card too!

Barbara DeBose said...

Cathy - That's so exciting!!!!! It's always nice to see a fellow PTIer recognized. Happy Anniversary to you as well.

Amy Kolling said...

Wow Cathy! You do have a lot to celebrate! Happy Anniversary and congrats on the followers! I saw your card on the Super 6 too! That is so neat to see your name "in lights"! I have followed you on GR but just became a follower!!

Amy said...

I had you in my google reader but now I officially became a follower! Congrats on the milestones!

Paulina said...

This is exciting- two big milestones! :) Hope you had a wonderful anniversary with your hubby- thanks for letting us celebrate with you!!

Sara Mac said...

Congrats on those milestones! Thirty one years of marriage is to be applauded. You are blessed! Look at how many followers you have now:) Thanks for the great giveaway.

Jayne said...

Congrats on the followers! You're stuff is so cute, I'm sure you'll get 31 more! I'm a follower!

Kelly S. said...

Cathy you are too sweet!

Lee Anne said...

Congratulations on 31 years, Cathy! Here's to many, many more!

LittleSurferGirl said...

Well, you know I've been a follower ever since we became friends! Congratulations on 31 years! My husband and I are about to celebrate 9...I'm so excited to have 31 years of marriage with him! Have a wonderful anniversary, Cathy!

Terri Trotter Earley said...

Happy Anniversary and congrats on your stamping success.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Kathy Mc said...

WOW ~ BIG Congratulations are in order for all your milestones. Just ran across your blog today and have already commented on every post this month. Love your style and your blog posts, too. Will follow you in Google Reader as am new to PTI and love to see what others create. Would love to win your blog candy as my wish list keeps growing and growing. Thanks for the chance to win and best wishes for continued success!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! Happy Anniversary :) Beautiful card you made!